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100 Verses|| 14,617 Engagements

Proverbs 12:22

1,429 helpful votes

Lying lips are detestable to the LORD, but those who deal faithfully are His delight.

Proverbs 19:1

831 helpful votes

Better a poor man who walks with integrity than a fool whose lips are perverse.

John 8:32

812 helpful votes

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

2 Corinthians 8:21

715 helpful votes

For we are taking great care to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the eyes of men.

Proverbs 6:16-20

693 helpful votes

There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that run swiftly to evil, a false witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up discord among brothers. My son, keep your father’s commandment, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.

1 Peter 3:10-12

489 helpful votes

For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are inclined to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

Proverbs 11:3

461 helpful votes

The integrity of the upright guides them, but the perversity of the faithless destroys them.

Colossians 3:9

437 helpful votes

Do not lie to one another, since you have taken off the old self with its practices,

Philippians 4:8-9

404 helpful votes

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Matthew 5:37

305 helpful votes

Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ Anything more comes from the evil one.

Luke 6:31

292 helpful votes

Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Exodus 20:16

285 helpful votes

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Proverbs 10:9

279 helpful votes

He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.

Proverbs 11:1

262 helpful votes

Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, but an accurate weight is His delight.

Proverbs 16:13

257 helpful votes

Righteous lips are a king’s delight, and he who speaks honestly is beloved.

Hebrews 13:18

246 helpful votes

Pray for us; we are convinced that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way.

Acts 24:16

241 helpful votes

In this hope, I strive always to maintain a clear conscience before God and man.

Ephesians 4:25

224 helpful votes

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one another.

Philippians 4:8

211 helpful votes

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things.

James 1:26

199 helpful votes

If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his heart and his religion is worthless.

Proverbs 16:28

187 helpful votes

A perverse man spreads dissension, and a gossip divides close friends.

Proverbs 12:17

151 helpful votes

He who speaks the truth declares what is right, but a false witness speaks deceit.

Ephesians 4:28

141 helpful votes

He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing good with his own hands, that he may have something to share with the one in need.

Luke 16:10

132 helpful votes

Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Romans 12:17-21

128 helpful votes

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Carefully consider what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible on your part, live at peace with everyone. Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.” On the contrary, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. For in so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Proverbs 16:8

124 helpful votes

Better a little with righteousness than great gain with injustice.

Proverbs 20:23

117 helpful votes

Unequal weights are detestable to the LORD, and dishonest scales are no good.

Proverbs 21:3

115 helpful votes

To do righteousness and justice is more desirable to the LORD than sacrifice.

2 Corinthians 4:2

110 helpful votes

Instead, we have renounced secret and shameful ways. We do not practice deceit, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by open proclamation of the truth, we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

1 Peter 2:12

106 helpful votes

Conduct yourselves with such honor among the Gentiles that, though they slander you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us.

Leviticus 19:35

106 helpful votes

You must not use dishonest measures of length, weight, or volume.

1 John 3:18

104 helpful votes

Little children, let us love not in word and speech, but in action and truth.

Leviticus 19:11

100 helpful votes

You must not steal. You must not lie or deceive one another.

Matthew 7:12

100 helpful votes

In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you. For this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets.

Luke 16:10-12

98 helpful votes

Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been faithful with worldly wealth, who will entrust you with true riches? And if you have not been faithful with the belongings of another, who will give you belongings of your own?

Proverbs 28:6

94 helpful votes

Better a poor man who walks with integrity than a rich man whose ways are perverse.

2 Timothy 2:15

87 helpful votes

Make every effort to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman who accurately handles the word of truth.

2 Kings 12:15

86 helpful votes

No accounting was required from the men who received the money to pay the workmen, because they acted with integrity.

Ephesians 4:15

85 helpful votes

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ Himself, who is the head.

Proverbs 28:18

84 helpful votes

He who walks with integrity will be kept safe, but whoever is perverse in his ways will suddenly fall.

Proverbs 4:25

84 helpful votes

Let your eyes look forward; fix your gaze straight ahead.

2 Corinthians 7:2

82 helpful votes

Make room for us in your hearts. We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have exploited no one.

John 14:6

82 helpful votes

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Psalm 51:6

82 helpful votes

Surely You desire truth in the inmost being; You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.

Matthew 5:8

79 helpful votes

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Romans 2:21-24

79 helpful votes

you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who forbid adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”

Deuteronomy 25:13-16

78 helpful votes

You shall not have two differing weights in your bag, one heavy and one light. You shall not have two differing measures in your house, one large and one small. You must maintain accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. For everyone who behaves dishonestly in regard to these things is detestable to the LORD your God.

Proverbs 16:11

77 helpful votes

Honest scales and balances are from the LORD; all the weights in the bag are His concern.

Psalm 112:5

70 helpful votes

It is well with the man who is generous and lends freely, whose affairs are guided by justice.

James 3:17

68 helpful votes

But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peace-loving, gentle, accommodating, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere.

Romans 12:17

67 helpful votes

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Carefully consider what is right in the eyes of everybody.

Ezekiel 45:10

66 helpful votes

You must use honest scales, a just ephah, and a just bath.

Colossians 3:9-10

65 helpful votes

Do not lie to one another, since you have taken off the old self with its practices, and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

Genesis 30:33

64 helpful votes

So my honesty will testify for me when you come to check on my wages in the future. If I have any goats that are not speckled or spotted, or any lambs that are not dark-colored, they will be considered stolen.”

Psalm 24:4

64 helpful votes

He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear deceitfully.

Job 2:3

63 helpful votes

Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one on earth like him, a man who is blameless and upright, who fears God and shuns evil. He still retains his integrity, even though you incited Me against him to ruin him without cause.”

Ephesians 4:31-32

62 helpful votes

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.

Proverbs 20:7

62 helpful votes

The righteous man walks with integrity; blessed are his children after him.

1 Corinthians 13:6

61 helpful votes

Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth.

Galatians 6:7-8

60 helpful votes

Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

Proverbs 20:10

60 helpful votes

Differing weights and unequal measures—both are detestable to the LORD.

James 5:12

59 helpful votes

Above all, my brothers, do not swear, not by heaven or earth or by any other oath. Simply let your “Yes” be yes, and your “No,” no, so that you will not fall under judgment.

Titus 2:7-8

59 helpful votes

In everything, show yourself to be an example by doing good works. In your teaching show integrity, dignity, and wholesome speech that is above reproach, so that anyone who opposes us will be ashamed to have nothing bad to say about us.

Proverbs 14:5

58 helpful votes

An honest witness does not deceive, but a dishonest witness pours forth lies.

Revelation 21:8

57 helpful votes

But to the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”

Luke 8:15

56 helpful votes

But the seeds on good soil are those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, cling to it, and by persevering produce a crop.

1 John 1:6

55 helpful votes

If we say we have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

1 Kings 9:4-5

53 helpful votes

And as for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked, with a heart of integrity and uprightness, doing all I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and ordinances, then I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised your father David when I said, ‘You will never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’

1 Peter 3:16

53 helpful votes

keeping a clear conscience, so that those who slander you may be put to shame by your good behavior in Christ.

1 Thessalonians 4:11

53 helpful votes

and to aspire to live quietly, to attend to your own matters, and to work with your own hands, as we instructed you.

Hebrews 6:18

53 helpful votes

Thus by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be strongly encouraged.

Proverbs 19:5

53 helpful votes

A false witness will not go unpunished, and one who utters lies will not escape.

Romans 12:2

52 helpful votes

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Mark 10:19

50 helpful votes

You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not cheat others, honor your father and mother.’”

Proverbs 22:1-29

50 helpful votes

A good name is more desirable than great riches; favor is better than silver and gold. The rich and the poor have this in common: The LORD is Maker of them all. The prudent see danger and take cover, but the simple keep going and suffer the consequences. The rewards of humility and the fear of the LORD are wealth and honor and life. Thorns and snares lie on the path of the perverse; he who guards his soul stays far from them. . . .

Proverbs 24:26

50 helpful votes

An honest answer given is like a kiss on the lips.

Titus 1:7

50 helpful votes

As God’s steward, an overseer must be above reproach—not self-absorbed, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not greedy for money.

1 Chronicles 29:17

49 helpful votes

I know, my God, that You test the heart and delight in uprightness. All these things I have given willingly and with an upright heart, and now I have seen Your people who are present here giving joyfully and willingly to You.

2 Corinthians 4:1-2

49 helpful votes

Therefore, since God in His mercy has given us this ministry, we do not lose heart. Instead, we have renounced secret and shameful ways. We do not practice deceit, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by open proclamation of the truth, we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

Isaiah 59:14

49 helpful votes

So justice is turned away, and righteousness stands at a distance. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter.

Exodus 18:21

48 helpful votes

Furthermore, select capable men from among the people—God-fearing, trustworthy men who are averse to dishonest gain. Appoint them over the people as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.

Isaiah 33:15

48 helpful votes

He who walks righteously and speaks with sincerity, who refuses gain from extortion, whose hand never takes a bribe, who stops his ears against murderous plots and shuts his eyes tightly against evil—

Psalm 23:1-6

48 helpful votes

A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of His name. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. . . .

Proverbs 25:18

47 helpful votes

Like a club or sword or sharp arrow is a man who bears false witness against his neighbor.

Proverbs 19:11

45 helpful votes

A man’s insight gives him patience, and his virtue is to overlook an offense.

Exodus 23:1

44 helpful votes

“You shall not spread a false report. Do not join the wicked by being a malicious witness.

Deuteronomy 16:19-20

43 helpful votes

Do not deny justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. Pursue justice, and justice alone, so that you may live, and you may possess the land that the LORD your God is giving you.

Hebrews 13:5

43 helpful votes

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, for God has said: “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.”

Leviticus 25:14

41 helpful votes

If you make a sale to your neighbor or a purchase from him, you must not take advantage of each other.

Proverbs 21:5

40 helpful votes

The plans of the diligent bring plenty, as surely as haste leads to poverty.

James 4:11-12

39 helpful votes

Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. And if you judge the law, you are not a practitioner of the law, but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

John 4:23-24

39 helpful votes

But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”

Proverbs 18:24

39 helpful votes

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.

Psalm 15:1-2

37 helpful votes

A Psalm of David. O LORD, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy mountain? He who walks with integrity and practices righteousness, who speaks the truth from his heart,

Romans 15:1-2

36 helpful votes

We who are strong ought to bear with the shortcomings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.

Zechariah 8:16-17

35 helpful votes

These are the things you must do: Speak truth to one another, render true and sound judgments in your gates, do not plot evil in your hearts against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely, for I hate all these things,” declares the LORD.

Proverbs 2:20-21

34 helpful votes

So you will follow in the ways of the good, and keep to the paths of the righteous. For the upright will inhabit the land, and the blameless will remain in it;

Psalm 50:16-17

34 helpful votes

To the wicked, however, God says, “What right have you to recite My statutes and to bear My covenant on your lips? For you hate My instruction and cast My words behind you.

Romans 13:7

34 helpful votes

Pay everyone what you owe him: taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.

James 1:22-27

33 helpful votes

Be doers of the word, and not hearers only. Otherwise, you are deceiving yourselves. For anyone who hears the word but does not carry it out is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror, and after observing himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom, and continues to do so—not being a forgetful hearer, but an effective doer—he will be blessed in what he does. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his heart and his religion is worthless. . . .

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