Hebrews 11:6
269 helpful votesAnd without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
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And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
But Jesus overheard their conversation and said to Jairus, “Do not be afraid; just believe.”
They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household.”
Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
“If You can?” echoed Jesus. “All things are possible to him who believes!”
For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved.
Jesus answered, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never hunger, and whoever believes in Me will never thirst.
Immediately the boy’s father cried out, “I do believe; help my unbelief!”
Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well. In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” “Lord,” said Thomas, “we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” . . .
But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.
But Jesus overheard them and said to Jairus, “Do not be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.”
Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
“You are My witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may consider and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before Me no god was formed, and after Me none will come.
that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
Consequently, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
Abram believed the LORD, and it was credited to him as righteousness.
Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment. Indeed, he has crossed over from death to life.
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, the wrath of God remains on him.”
“The time is fulfilled,” He said, “and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel!”
He does not fear bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart rejoices, and I give thanks to Him with my song.
“Be careful not to perform your righteous acts before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. . . .
This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass. He made it known by sending His angel to His servant John,
For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.
You believe that God is one. Good for you! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
That is why I told you that you would die in your sins. For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
After Jesus had entered the house, the blind men came to Him. “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” He asked. “Yes, Lord,” they answered.
In spite of all this, they kept on sinning; despite His wonderful works, they did not believe. So He ended their days in futility, and their years in sudden terror.
Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see. This is why the ancients were commended. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous when God gave approval to his gifts. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead. By faith Enoch was taken up so that he did not see death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. . . .
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Jesus replied, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”
But if I am doing them, even though you do not believe Me, believe the works themselves, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father.”
And the LORD said to Moses, “How long will this people treat Me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in Me, despite all the signs I have performed among them?
And do this, understanding the occasion. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”
But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
“Because you have so little faith,” He answered. “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with an inexpressible and glorious joy, now that you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
Truly, truly, I tell you, he who believes has eternal life.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
And we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us. God is love; whoever abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.
Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him; and so your faith and hope are in God.
For no word from God will ever fail.”
Jesus replied, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.”
because everyone born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith.
He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things?
Seek out the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.
And this is His commandment: that we should believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and we should love one another just as He commanded us.
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. . . .
They said to the woman, “We now believe not only because of your words; we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man truly is the Savior of the world.”
But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.
“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen.
Still I am certain to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”
The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.
Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs You are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” “How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Can he enter his mother’s womb a second time to be born?” Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. . . .
Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe.”
Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with an inexpressible and glorious joy,
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life.
because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
For John came to you in a righteous way and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.
“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
For the gospel reveals the righteousness of God that comes by faith from start to finish, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
But you, O man of God, flee from these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I say to you, I do not speak on My own. Instead, it is the Father dwelling in Me, performing His works.
And we continually thank God because, when you received the word of God that you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as the true word of God—the word which is now at work in you who believe.
“Look at the nations and observe—be utterly astounded! For I am doing a work in your days that you would never believe even if someone told you.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,
I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of His mighty strength,
See to it, brothers, that none of you has a wicked heart of unbelief that turns away from the living God.
It is just as the Scripture says: “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.”
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will surely help you; I will uphold you with My right hand of righteousness.
“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too difficult for Me?
However, there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray Him.)
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
After six days Jesus took with Him Peter, James, and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There He was transfigured before them.
For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but think of yourself with sober judgment, according to the measure of faith God has given you.
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e.g. John 10:28 or John 10:28-30
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